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We are the premier portal for all Jiangsu-related information and services on the worldwide web. Our website currently rank top two for the keyword "Jiangsu" in the big-three search engines: Google, Yahoo and MSN. Moreover, we have 13 city-specific websites covering all major cities of the province. All rank very highly in the search engines for their respective city name search phrases. Thus, we are able to offer our advertisers high exposure demonstrated by excellence in our search engine rankings.

Moreover, we offer flexible advertising packages that suite your needs both in the short and in the long-term. You may choose to place your ads on specific pages of our website to target potential customers in a specific industry.

For our advertising rates, specifications and other relevant information, do not hesitate to contact us now at advertise@jiangsu.net

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Jiangsu.NET, 2006 - 2019

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