Jiangsu.NET Nanjing
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Web Services

Jiangsu.NET provides web services including memberships, web jobs, volunteer opportunities, photo gallery, free postcards, and screensavers. Please contact us for these services. We also welcomes your suggestions to make the web serve you better.


Jiangsu.net provides the membership. Sign up for a Jiangsu.net email address, and get 10 megabytes of storage free. See more >>

Web Jobs
Jiangsu.net currently has two job openings and we are recruiting a Marketing Representative and a Webmaster. Please see the detail about the job descriptions. More >>


Jiangsu.NET currently needs volunteers for web services both in the head office in Canada or in the Jiangsu Divisional Office in Nanjing. Please contact us for more information. More >>

Contact Us

General Inquiries info@jiangsu.net
Advertisement advertise@jiangsu.net
Jiangsu.NET, 2006 - 2019

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Zhonghua Gate and Nanjing Ancient City Wall
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