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Real Estate Insurance Company

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12 listings suggest a listing

Aegon-CNOOC Life Insurance Company
Address: 20th Floor, Longsheng Mansion, 23 Hongwu Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210005, China
Tel: 86-25-8440 4868
Fax: 86-25-8689 9833
CITIC Prudential Life, Nanjing Branch
Address: 19th Floor Huiji Mansion, 268 Zhongshan Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210008
Tel: 86-25-8319 6899
Fax: 86-25-8319 3628
CITIC Prudential Life, Suzhou Branch
Address: 8th Floor Jinhe International Mansion,
35 Shishan Road, New Industrial Zone, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215011, China
Tel: 86-512-6841 1666
Fax: 86-512-6841 6366
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CITIC Prudential Life, Wuxi Branch
Address: 21st Floor Shidai Central Mansion,
159 Zhongshan Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214001, China
Tel: 86-510-8273 7008
Fax: 86-510-8272 7286
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Huatai Insurance Company of China Limited Nanjing Branch
Address: 25th Floor, Xinchen International Mansion, 26 Zhongshanbei Road, Nanjing, 210008 China
Tel: 86-25-8330 2800
Fax: 86-25-8332 3023
KBC Bank N.V., Nanjing Branch
Address: Room A1-A2, 45 Foor Shangmao Century Plaza, 49 South Zhongshan Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210005, China
Manulife-Sinochem Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Nanjing Branch
Address: 12nd Floor Huatai Stock Mansion,
90 Zhongshan Road East, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210002, China
Tel: 86-25-8454 6366
Fax: 86-25-8312 3064
Manulife-Sinochem Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Wuxi Branch
Address: 12nd Floor Huatai Stock Mansion,
90 Zhongshan Road East, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210002, China
Tel: 86-25-8454 6366
Fax: 86-25-8312 3064
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Nipponkoa Insurance Co., Ltd
Address: Rm 1602, Gold River International Building, 35 Shizhan Road, Suzhou New District, Suzhou 215011, Jiangsu, China
Tel: 86-512-6824 0545
Fax: 86-512-6825 3348
The People's Insurance Company of China Nanjing Branch
Address: 393 South Taiping Road, Nangjing, Jiangsu, 210002, China
Tel: 86-25-8664 1924 or 8664 8789
Fax: 86-25-8664 8789
The Tokio Marine and Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., Nanjing Branch
Address: Rm D2/D3, 21st Floor, Shangmao Century Plaza, 49 Zhongshan South Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210005, China
Tel: 86-25-8618 3456
Fax: 86-25-8689 3457
The Tokio Marine and Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., Suzhou Branch
Address: 12th floor, Gold River International Bldg., 35 Shinshan Road, Suzhou New District, Suzhou, Jiangsu 21501, China
Tel: 86-512-8518 7711
Fax: 86-512-8518 7710

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