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Home > Expats Communities and Clubs

Expat Communities and Clubs

Over years, Jiangsu has been becoming a hot spot for visitors, travelers, and investors including international students, professionals, conference attendees. A short stay or a long term residence, you are always welcome.

A number of expatriate communities have been established since then to benefit various ethnic groups or professional factions. Jiangsu.NET provides you the space and expat forums to promote these expat communities. You are welcome to post your community/club info and web address on this section. Please email us. To post your event or contact information, you can also post your events in Forum on Home Page of Jiangsu.NET.

Find your community and club
Nanjing Region
   Hopkings-Nanjing Center Alumni
   Nanjing Expats Forum
   Overseas Alumni Associations for
      Nanjing's universities

   Zhongshan Paradise Night Club

Changzhou Region
   Changzhou Expats Forum
   Expat Association in Changshu

Nantong Region
Nantong Expats Forum
   Nantong Kite Review

Suzhou Region
   Suzhou Expats Forum

Wuxi Region
   Wuxi Expats Forum

Yangzhou Region
  Yangzhou Expats Forum
Hopkins expats alumni club
Hopkins - Nanjing Center Alumni
The Hopkins-Nanjing center for Chinese and American Studies is jointly administered by Nanjing University and Hopkins University. The Center offers a one-year graduate-level program for both Chinese or American studies. The alumni organization is developed to ensure excellence of its reputation, connection and commitment and has now been over 1000 members. You are welcome to participate its activity and volunteer work.

Nanjing forum
Nanjing expat forum
This forum is designed for all visitors, travelers, expatriats, locals or anyone who is interested in obtaining information of Nanjing. You are welcome to post questions or answers, comments,  or any information related to these communities. We do not accept any repeated commercial post within a six-month period. Any spam will be deleted immediately by moderators.

Nantong kite club
Marvellous whistling kites
Wind Above, Earth Below is a documentary film about traditional kites in modern China. The film examines this folk craft and how it is woven into Chinese life, history and folklore. The documentary profiles Chinese kitemaker, Chen Zhaoji, and his dragon and pearl kite and the whistling kites of Nantong. Come to enjoy those flying kites with your family and kid. For more detail about Zhaoji's kite, see website www.windabove.com   

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Jiangsu.NET, 2006 - 2019

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